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synced 2025-03-13 22:31:08 +00:00

The created checkpoints contain workflow metadata that can be loaded by dragging them on top of the UI or loading them with the "Load" button. Checkpoints will be saved in fp16 or fp32 depending on the format ComfyUI is using for inference on your hardware. To force fp32 use: --force-fp32 Anything that patches the model weights like merging or loras will be saved. The output directory is currently set to: output/checkpoints but that might change in the future.
236 lines
9.5 KiB
236 lines
9.5 KiB
import torch
import math
import struct
import comfy.checkpoint_pickle
import safetensors.torch
def load_torch_file(ckpt, safe_load=False):
if ckpt.lower().endswith(".safetensors"):
sd = safetensors.torch.load_file(ckpt, device="cpu")
if safe_load:
if not 'weights_only' in torch.load.__code__.co_varnames:
print("Warning torch.load doesn't support weights_only on this pytorch version, loading unsafely.")
safe_load = False
if safe_load:
pl_sd = torch.load(ckpt, map_location="cpu", weights_only=True)
pl_sd = torch.load(ckpt, map_location="cpu", pickle_module=comfy.checkpoint_pickle)
if "global_step" in pl_sd:
print(f"Global Step: {pl_sd['global_step']}")
if "state_dict" in pl_sd:
sd = pl_sd["state_dict"]
sd = pl_sd
return sd
def save_torch_file(sd, ckpt, metadata=None):
if metadata is not None:
safetensors.torch.save_file(sd, ckpt, metadata=metadata)
safetensors.torch.save_file(sd, ckpt)
def transformers_convert(sd, prefix_from, prefix_to, number):
keys_to_replace = {
"{}positional_embedding": "{}embeddings.position_embedding.weight",
"{}token_embedding.weight": "{}embeddings.token_embedding.weight",
"{}ln_final.weight": "{}final_layer_norm.weight",
"{}ln_final.bias": "{}final_layer_norm.bias",
for k in keys_to_replace:
x = k.format(prefix_from)
if x in sd:
sd[keys_to_replace[k].format(prefix_to)] = sd.pop(x)
resblock_to_replace = {
"ln_1": "layer_norm1",
"ln_2": "layer_norm2",
"mlp.c_fc": "mlp.fc1",
"mlp.c_proj": "mlp.fc2",
"attn.out_proj": "self_attn.out_proj",
for resblock in range(number):
for x in resblock_to_replace:
for y in ["weight", "bias"]:
k = "{}transformer.resblocks.{}.{}.{}".format(prefix_from, resblock, x, y)
k_to = "{}encoder.layers.{}.{}.{}".format(prefix_to, resblock, resblock_to_replace[x], y)
if k in sd:
sd[k_to] = sd.pop(k)
for y in ["weight", "bias"]:
k_from = "{}transformer.resblocks.{}.attn.in_proj_{}".format(prefix_from, resblock, y)
if k_from in sd:
weights = sd.pop(k_from)
shape_from = weights.shape[0] // 3
for x in range(3):
p = ["self_attn.q_proj", "self_attn.k_proj", "self_attn.v_proj"]
k_to = "{}encoder.layers.{}.{}.{}".format(prefix_to, resblock, p[x], y)
sd[k_to] = weights[shape_from*x:shape_from*(x + 1)]
return sd
def convert_sd_to(state_dict, dtype):
keys = list(state_dict.keys())
for k in keys:
state_dict[k] = state_dict[k].to(dtype)
return state_dict
def safetensors_header(safetensors_path, max_size=100*1024*1024):
with open(safetensors_path, "rb") as f:
header = f.read(8)
length_of_header = struct.unpack('<Q', header)[0]
if length_of_header > max_size:
return None
return f.read(length_of_header)
def bislerp(samples, width, height):
def slerp(b1, b2, r):
'''slerps batches b1, b2 according to ratio r, batches should be flat e.g. NxC'''
c = b1.shape[-1]
b1_norms = torch.norm(b1, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
b2_norms = torch.norm(b2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
b1_normalized = b1 / b1_norms
b2_normalized = b2 / b2_norms
#zero when norms are zero
b1_normalized[b1_norms.expand(-1,c) == 0.0] = 0.0
b2_normalized[b2_norms.expand(-1,c) == 0.0] = 0.0
dot = (b1_normalized*b2_normalized).sum(1)
omega = torch.acos(dot)
so = torch.sin(omega)
#technically not mathematically correct, but more pleasing?
res = (torch.sin((1.0-r.squeeze(1))*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1)*b1_normalized + (torch.sin(r.squeeze(1)*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1) * b2_normalized
res *= (b1_norms * (1.0-r) + b2_norms * r).expand(-1,c)
#edge cases for same or polar opposites
res[dot > 1 - 1e-5] = b1[dot > 1 - 1e-5]
res[dot < 1e-5 - 1] = (b1 * (1.0-r) + b2 * r)[dot < 1e-5 - 1]
return res
def generate_bilinear_data(length_old, length_new):
coords_1 = torch.arange(length_old).reshape((1,1,1,-1)).to(torch.float32)
coords_1 = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(coords_1, size=(1, length_new), mode="bilinear")
ratios = coords_1 - coords_1.floor()
coords_1 = coords_1.to(torch.int64)
coords_2 = torch.arange(length_old).reshape((1,1,1,-1)).to(torch.float32) + 1
coords_2[:,:,:,-1] -= 1
coords_2 = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(coords_2, size=(1, length_new), mode="bilinear")
coords_2 = coords_2.to(torch.int64)
return ratios, coords_1, coords_2
n,c,h,w = samples.shape
h_new, w_new = (height, width)
#linear w
ratios, coords_1, coords_2 = generate_bilinear_data(w, w_new)
coords_1 = coords_1.expand((n, c, h, -1))
coords_2 = coords_2.expand((n, c, h, -1))
ratios = ratios.expand((n, 1, h, -1))
pass_1 = samples.gather(-1,coords_1).movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,c))
pass_2 = samples.gather(-1,coords_2).movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,c))
ratios = ratios.movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,1))
result = slerp(pass_1, pass_2, ratios)
result = result.reshape(n, h, w_new, c).movedim(-1, 1)
#linear h
ratios, coords_1, coords_2 = generate_bilinear_data(h, h_new)
coords_1 = coords_1.reshape((1,1,-1,1)).expand((n, c, -1, w_new))
coords_2 = coords_2.reshape((1,1,-1,1)).expand((n, c, -1, w_new))
ratios = ratios.reshape((1,1,-1,1)).expand((n, 1, -1, w_new))
pass_1 = result.gather(-2,coords_1).movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,c))
pass_2 = result.gather(-2,coords_2).movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,c))
ratios = ratios.movedim(1, -1).reshape((-1,1))
result = slerp(pass_1, pass_2, ratios)
result = result.reshape(n, h_new, w_new, c).movedim(-1, 1)
return result
def common_upscale(samples, width, height, upscale_method, crop):
if crop == "center":
old_width = samples.shape[3]
old_height = samples.shape[2]
old_aspect = old_width / old_height
new_aspect = width / height
x = 0
y = 0
if old_aspect > new_aspect:
x = round((old_width - old_width * (new_aspect / old_aspect)) / 2)
elif old_aspect < new_aspect:
y = round((old_height - old_height * (old_aspect / new_aspect)) / 2)
s = samples[:,:,y:old_height-y,x:old_width-x]
s = samples
if upscale_method == "bislerp":
return bislerp(s, width, height)
return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(s, size=(height, width), mode=upscale_method)
def get_tiled_scale_steps(width, height, tile_x, tile_y, overlap):
return math.ceil((height / (tile_y - overlap))) * math.ceil((width / (tile_x - overlap)))
def tiled_scale(samples, function, tile_x=64, tile_y=64, overlap = 8, upscale_amount = 4, out_channels = 3, pbar = None):
output = torch.empty((samples.shape[0], out_channels, round(samples.shape[2] * upscale_amount), round(samples.shape[3] * upscale_amount)), device="cpu")
for b in range(samples.shape[0]):
s = samples[b:b+1]
out = torch.zeros((s.shape[0], out_channels, round(s.shape[2] * upscale_amount), round(s.shape[3] * upscale_amount)), device="cpu")
out_div = torch.zeros((s.shape[0], out_channels, round(s.shape[2] * upscale_amount), round(s.shape[3] * upscale_amount)), device="cpu")
for y in range(0, s.shape[2], tile_y - overlap):
for x in range(0, s.shape[3], tile_x - overlap):
s_in = s[:,:,y:y+tile_y,x:x+tile_x]
ps = function(s_in).cpu()
mask = torch.ones_like(ps)
feather = round(overlap * upscale_amount)
for t in range(feather):
mask[:,:,t:1+t,:] *= ((1.0/feather) * (t + 1))
mask[:,:,mask.shape[2] -1 -t: mask.shape[2]-t,:] *= ((1.0/feather) * (t + 1))
mask[:,:,:,t:1+t] *= ((1.0/feather) * (t + 1))
mask[:,:,:,mask.shape[3]- 1 - t: mask.shape[3]- t] *= ((1.0/feather) * (t + 1))
out[:,:,round(y*upscale_amount):round((y+tile_y)*upscale_amount),round(x*upscale_amount):round((x+tile_x)*upscale_amount)] += ps * mask
out_div[:,:,round(y*upscale_amount):round((y+tile_y)*upscale_amount),round(x*upscale_amount):round((x+tile_x)*upscale_amount)] += mask
if pbar is not None:
output[b:b+1] = out/out_div
return output
def set_progress_bar_global_hook(function):
class ProgressBar:
def __init__(self, total):
self.total = total
self.current = 0
def update_absolute(self, value, total=None, preview=None):
if total is not None:
self.total = total
if value > self.total:
value = self.total
self.current = value
if self.hook is not None:
self.hook(self.current, self.total, preview)
def update(self, value):
self.update_absolute(self.current + value)