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synced 2025-03-15 22:17:06 +00:00
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var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
import { d as defineComponent, be as useRouter, r as resolveDirective, o as openBlock, y as createBlock, z as withCtx, m as createBaseVNode, E as toDisplayString, k as createVNode, j as unref, l as script, i as withDirectives, _ as _export_sfc } from "./index-DqqhYDnY.js";
import { _ as _sfc_main$1 } from "./BaseViewTemplate-Cz111_1A.js";
const _imports_0 = "" + new URL("images/sad_girl.png", import.meta.url).href;
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "sad-container" };
const _hoisted_2 = { class: "no-drag sad-text flex items-center" };
const _hoisted_3 = { class: "flex flex-col gap-8 p-8 min-w-110" };
const _hoisted_4 = { class: "text-4xl font-bold text-red-500" };
const _hoisted_5 = { class: "space-y-4" };
const _hoisted_6 = { class: "text-xl" };
const _hoisted_7 = { class: "list-disc list-inside space-y-1 text-neutral-800" };
const _hoisted_8 = { class: "flex gap-4" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
__name: "NotSupportedView",
setup(__props) {
const openDocs = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "openDocs");
const reportIssue = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
window.open("https://forum.comfy.org/c/v1-feedback/", "_blank");
}, "reportIssue");
const router = useRouter();
const continueToInstall = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
}, "continueToInstall");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _directive_tooltip = resolveDirective("tooltip");
return openBlock(), createBlock(_sfc_main$1, null, {
default: withCtx(() => [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
_cache[0] || (_cache[0] = createBaseVNode("img", {
class: "sad-girl",
src: _imports_0,
alt: "Sad girl illustration"
}, null, -1)),
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_3, [
createBaseVNode("h1", _hoisted_4, toDisplayString(_ctx.$t("notSupported.title")), 1),
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_5, [
createBaseVNode("p", _hoisted_6, toDisplayString(_ctx.$t("notSupported.message")), 1),
createBaseVNode("ul", _hoisted_7, [
createBaseVNode("li", null, toDisplayString(_ctx.$t("notSupported.supportedDevices.macos")), 1),
createBaseVNode("li", null, toDisplayString(_ctx.$t("notSupported.supportedDevices.windows")), 1)
createBaseVNode("div", _hoisted_8, [
createVNode(unref(script), {
label: _ctx.$t("notSupported.learnMore"),
icon: "pi pi-github",
onClick: openDocs,
severity: "secondary"
}, null, 8, ["label"]),
createVNode(unref(script), {
label: _ctx.$t("notSupported.reportIssue"),
icon: "pi pi-flag",
onClick: reportIssue,
severity: "secondary"
}, null, 8, ["label"]),
withDirectives(createVNode(unref(script), {
label: _ctx.$t("notSupported.continue"),
icon: "pi pi-arrow-right",
iconPos: "right",
onClick: continueToInstall,
severity: "danger"
}, null, 8, ["label"]), [
[_directive_tooltip, _ctx.$t("notSupported.continueTooltip")]
_: 1
const NotSupportedView = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ebb20958"]]);
export {
NotSupportedView as default
//# sourceMappingURL=NotSupportedView-BUpntA4x.js.map