mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 10:25:16 +00:00
Reworked sockets to use socketio Added progress to nodes Added highlight to active node Added preview to saveimage node
415 lines
14 KiB
415 lines
14 KiB
import os
import sys
import copy
import json
import threading
import heapq
import traceback
import asyncio
if os.name == "nt":
import logging
logging.getLogger("xformers").addFilter(lambda record: 'A matching Triton is not available' not in record.getMessage())
import server
if __name__ == "__main__":
if '--help' in sys.argv:
print("Valid Command line Arguments:")
print("\t--listen\t\t\tListen on so the UI can be accessed from other computers.")
print("\t--port 8188\t\t\tSet the listen port.")
print("\t--dont-upcast-attention\t\tDisable upcasting of attention \n\t\t\t\t\tcan boost speed but increase the chances of black images.\n")
print("\t--use-split-cross-attention\tUse the split cross attention optimization instead of the sub-quadratic one.\n\t\t\t\t\tIgnored when xformers is used.")
print("\t--highvram\t\t\tBy default models will be unloaded to CPU memory after being used.\n\t\t\t\t\tThis option keeps them in GPU memory.\n")
print("\t--normalvram\t\t\tUsed to force normal vram use if lowvram gets automatically enabled.")
print("\t--lowvram\t\t\tSplit the unet in parts to use less vram.")
print("\t--novram\t\t\tWhen lowvram isn't enough.")
if '--dont-upcast-attention' in sys.argv:
print("disabling upcasting of attention")
os.environ['ATTN_PRECISION'] = "fp16"
import torch
import nodes
def get_input_data(inputs, class_def, outputs={}, prompt={}, extra_data={}, server=None, unique_id=None):
valid_inputs = class_def.INPUT_TYPES()
input_data_all = {}
for x in inputs:
input_data = inputs[x]
if isinstance(input_data, list):
input_unique_id = input_data[0]
output_index = input_data[1]
obj = outputs[input_unique_id][output_index]
input_data_all[x] = obj
if ("required" in valid_inputs and x in valid_inputs["required"]) or ("optional" in valid_inputs and x in valid_inputs["optional"]):
input_data_all[x] = input_data
if "hidden" in valid_inputs:
h = valid_inputs["hidden"]
for x in h:
if h[x] == "PROMPT":
input_data_all[x] = prompt
if h[x] == "EXTRA_PNGINFO":
if "extra_pnginfo" in extra_data:
input_data_all[x] = extra_data['extra_pnginfo']
if h[x] == "SERVER":
input_data_all[x] = server
if h[x] == "UNIQUE_ID":
input_data_all[x] = unique_id
return input_data_all
def recursive_execute(server, prompt, outputs, current_item, extra_data={}):
unique_id = current_item
inputs = prompt[unique_id]['inputs']
class_type = prompt[unique_id]['class_type']
class_def = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[class_type]
if unique_id in outputs:
return []
executed = []
for x in inputs:
input_data = inputs[x]
if isinstance(input_data, list):
input_unique_id = input_data[0]
output_index = input_data[1]
if input_unique_id not in outputs:
executed += recursive_execute(server, prompt, outputs, input_unique_id, extra_data)
input_data_all = get_input_data(inputs, class_def, outputs, prompt, extra_data, server, unique_id)
if server.client_id is not None:
server.send_sync("execute", { "node": unique_id }, server.client_id)
obj = class_def()
outputs[unique_id] = getattr(obj, obj.FUNCTION)(**input_data_all)
return executed + [unique_id]
def recursive_will_execute(prompt, outputs, current_item):
unique_id = current_item
inputs = prompt[unique_id]['inputs']
will_execute = []
if unique_id in outputs:
return []
for x in inputs:
input_data = inputs[x]
if isinstance(input_data, list):
input_unique_id = input_data[0]
output_index = input_data[1]
if input_unique_id not in outputs:
will_execute += recursive_will_execute(prompt, outputs, input_unique_id)
return will_execute + [unique_id]
def recursive_output_delete_if_changed(prompt, old_prompt, outputs, current_item):
unique_id = current_item
inputs = prompt[unique_id]['inputs']
class_type = prompt[unique_id]['class_type']
class_def = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[class_type]
is_changed_old = ''
is_changed = ''
if hasattr(class_def, 'IS_CHANGED'):
if unique_id in old_prompt and 'is_changed' in old_prompt[unique_id]:
is_changed_old = old_prompt[unique_id]['is_changed']
if 'is_changed' not in prompt[unique_id]:
input_data_all = get_input_data(inputs, class_def)
is_changed = class_def.IS_CHANGED(**input_data_all)
prompt[unique_id]['is_changed'] = is_changed
is_changed = prompt[unique_id]['is_changed']
if unique_id not in outputs:
return True
to_delete = False
if is_changed != is_changed_old:
to_delete = True
elif unique_id not in old_prompt:
to_delete = True
elif inputs == old_prompt[unique_id]['inputs']:
for x in inputs:
input_data = inputs[x]
if isinstance(input_data, list):
input_unique_id = input_data[0]
output_index = input_data[1]
if input_unique_id in outputs:
to_delete = recursive_output_delete_if_changed(prompt, old_prompt, outputs, input_unique_id)
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
to_delete = True
if to_delete:
d = outputs.pop(unique_id)
del d
return to_delete
class PromptExecutor:
def __init__(self, server):
self.outputs = {}
self.old_prompt = {}
self.server = server
def execute(self, prompt, extra_data={}):
if "client_id" in extra_data:
self.server.client_id = extra_data["client_id"]
self.server.client_id = None
with torch.no_grad():
for x in prompt:
recursive_output_delete_if_changed(prompt, self.old_prompt, self.outputs, x)
current_outputs = set(self.outputs.keys())
executed = []
to_execute = []
for x in prompt:
class_ = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[prompt[x]['class_type']]
if hasattr(class_, 'OUTPUT_NODE'):
to_execute += [(0, x)]
while len(to_execute) > 0:
#always execute the output that depends on the least amount of unexecuted nodes first
to_execute = sorted(list(map(lambda a: (len(recursive_will_execute(prompt, self.outputs, a[-1])), a[-1]), to_execute)))
x = to_execute.pop(0)[-1]
class_ = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[prompt[x]['class_type']]
if hasattr(class_, 'OUTPUT_NODE'):
if class_.OUTPUT_NODE == True:
valid = False
m = validate_inputs(prompt, x)
valid = m[0]
valid = False
if valid:
executed += recursive_execute(self.server, prompt, self.outputs, x, extra_data)
except Exception as e:
to_delete = []
for o in self.outputs:
if o not in current_outputs:
to_delete += [o]
if o in self.old_prompt:
d = self.old_prompt.pop(o)
del d
for o in to_delete:
d = self.outputs.pop(o)
del d
executed = set(executed)
for x in executed:
self.old_prompt[x] = copy.deepcopy(prompt[x])
if self.server.client_id is not None:
self.server.send_sync("execute", { "node": None }, self.server.client_id)
def validate_inputs(prompt, item):
unique_id = item
inputs = prompt[unique_id]['inputs']
class_type = prompt[unique_id]['class_type']
obj_class = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[class_type]
class_inputs = obj_class.INPUT_TYPES()
required_inputs = class_inputs['required']
for x in required_inputs:
if x not in inputs:
return (False, "Required input is missing. {}, {}".format(class_type, x))
val = inputs[x]
info = required_inputs[x]
type_input = info[0]
if isinstance(val, list):
if len(val) != 2:
return (False, "Bad Input. {}, {}".format(class_type, x))
o_id = val[0]
o_class_type = prompt[o_id]['class_type']
r = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[o_class_type].RETURN_TYPES
if r[val[1]] != type_input:
return (False, "Return type mismatch. {}, {}".format(class_type, x))
r = validate_inputs(prompt, o_id)
if r[0] == False:
return r
if type_input == "INT":
val = int(val)
inputs[x] = val
if type_input == "FLOAT":
val = float(val)
inputs[x] = val
if type_input == "STRING":
val = str(val)
inputs[x] = val
if len(info) > 1:
if "min" in info[1] and val < info[1]["min"]:
return (False, "Value smaller than min. {}, {}".format(class_type, x))
if "max" in info[1] and val > info[1]["max"]:
return (False, "Value bigger than max. {}, {}".format(class_type, x))
if isinstance(type_input, list):
if val not in type_input:
return (False, "Value not in list. {}, {}: {} not in {}".format(class_type, x, val, type_input))
return (True, "")
def validate_prompt(prompt):
outputs = set()
for x in prompt:
class_ = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[prompt[x]['class_type']]
if hasattr(class_, 'OUTPUT_NODE') and class_.OUTPUT_NODE == True:
if len(outputs) == 0:
return (False, "Prompt has no outputs")
good_outputs = set()
errors = []
for o in outputs:
valid = False
reason = ""
m = validate_inputs(prompt, o)
valid = m[0]
reason = m[1]
valid = False
reason = "Parsing error"
if valid == True:
print("Failed to validate prompt for output {} {}".format(o, reason))
print("output will be ignored")
errors += [(o, reason)]
if len(good_outputs) == 0:
errors_list = "\n".join(map(lambda a: "{}".format(a[1]), errors))
return (False, "Prompt has no properly connected outputs\n {}".format(errors_list))
return (True, "")
def prompt_worker(q, server):
e = PromptExecutor(server)
while True:
item, item_id = q.get()
e.execute(item[-2], item[-1])
class PromptQueue:
def __init__(self, server):
self.server = server
self.mutex = threading.RLock()
self.not_empty = threading.Condition(self.mutex)
self.task_counter = 0
self.queue = []
self.currently_running = {}
server.prompt_queue = self
def put(self, item):
with self.mutex:
heapq.heappush(self.queue, item)
def get(self):
with self.not_empty:
while len(self.queue) == 0:
item = heapq.heappop(self.queue)
i = self.task_counter
self.currently_running[i] = copy.deepcopy(item)
self.task_counter += 1
return (item, i)
def task_done(self, item_id):
with self.mutex:
def get_current_queue(self):
with self.mutex:
out = []
for x in self.currently_running.values():
out += [x]
return (out, copy.deepcopy(self.queue))
def get_tasks_remaining(self):
with self.mutex:
return len(self.queue) + len(self.currently_running)
def wipe_queue(self):
with self.mutex:
self.queue = []
def delete_queue_item(self, function):
with self.mutex:
for x in range(len(self.queue)):
if function(self.queue[x]):
if len(self.queue) == 1:
return True
return False
async def run(server, address='', port=8188):
await asyncio.gather(server.start(address, port), server.publish_loop())
def hijack_progress(server):
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
orig_func = getattr(tqdm, "update")
def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
pbar = args[0]
v = orig_func(*args, **kwargs)
server.send_sync("progress", { "value": pbar.n, "max": pbar.total}, server.client_id)
return v
setattr(tqdm, "update", wrapped_func)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
server = server.PromptServer(loop)
q = PromptQueue(server)
threading.Thread(target=prompt_worker, daemon=True, args=(q,server,)).start()
if '--listen' in sys.argv:
address = ''
address = ''
port = 8188
p_index = sys.argv.index('--port')
port = int(sys.argv[p_index + 1])
if os.name == "nt":
loop.run_until_complete(run(server, address=address, port=port))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
loop.run_until_complete(run(server, address=address, port=port))