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synced 2025-03-07 02:41:29 +00:00

This allows changing the sampling parameters of the model (eps or vpred) or set the model to use zsnr.
310 lines
13 KiB
310 lines
13 KiB
import torch
import copy
import inspect
import comfy.utils
import comfy.model_management
class ModelPatcher:
def __init__(self, model, load_device, offload_device, size=0, current_device=None):
self.size = size
self.model = model
self.patches = {}
self.backup = {}
self.object_patches = {}
self.object_patches_backup = {}
self.model_options = {"transformer_options":{}}
self.load_device = load_device
self.offload_device = offload_device
if current_device is None:
self.current_device = self.offload_device
self.current_device = current_device
def model_size(self):
if self.size > 0:
return self.size
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
size = 0
for k in model_sd:
t = model_sd[k]
size += t.nelement() * t.element_size()
self.size = size
self.model_keys = set(model_sd.keys())
return size
def clone(self):
n = ModelPatcher(self.model, self.load_device, self.offload_device, self.size, self.current_device)
n.patches = {}
for k in self.patches:
n.patches[k] = self.patches[k][:]
n.model_options = copy.deepcopy(self.model_options)
n.model_keys = self.model_keys
return n
def is_clone(self, other):
if hasattr(other, 'model') and self.model is other.model:
return True
return False
def set_model_sampler_cfg_function(self, sampler_cfg_function):
if len(inspect.signature(sampler_cfg_function).parameters) == 3:
self.model_options["sampler_cfg_function"] = lambda args: sampler_cfg_function(args["cond"], args["uncond"], args["cond_scale"]) #Old way
self.model_options["sampler_cfg_function"] = sampler_cfg_function
def set_model_unet_function_wrapper(self, unet_wrapper_function):
self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"] = unet_wrapper_function
def set_model_patch(self, patch, name):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches" not in to:
to["patches"] = {}
to["patches"][name] = to["patches"].get(name, []) + [patch]
def set_model_patch_replace(self, patch, name, block_name, number):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches_replace" not in to:
to["patches_replace"] = {}
if name not in to["patches_replace"]:
to["patches_replace"][name] = {}
to["patches_replace"][name][(block_name, number)] = patch
def set_model_attn1_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_patch")
def set_model_attn2_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn2_patch")
def set_model_attn1_replace(self, patch, block_name, number):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn1", block_name, number)
def set_model_attn2_replace(self, patch, block_name, number):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn2", block_name, number)
def set_model_attn1_output_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_output_patch")
def set_model_attn2_output_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn2_output_patch")
def set_model_output_block_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "output_block_patch")
def add_object_patch(self, name, obj):
self.object_patches[name] = obj
def model_patches_to(self, device):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches" in to:
patches = to["patches"]
for name in patches:
patch_list = patches[name]
for i in range(len(patch_list)):
if hasattr(patch_list[i], "to"):
patch_list[i] = patch_list[i].to(device)
if "patches_replace" in to:
patches = to["patches_replace"]
for name in patches:
patch_list = patches[name]
for k in patch_list:
if hasattr(patch_list[k], "to"):
patch_list[k] = patch_list[k].to(device)
if "model_function_wrapper" in self.model_options:
wrap_func = self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"]
if hasattr(wrap_func, "to"):
self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"] = wrap_func.to(device)
def model_dtype(self):
if hasattr(self.model, "get_dtype"):
return self.model.get_dtype()
def add_patches(self, patches, strength_patch=1.0, strength_model=1.0):
p = set()
for k in patches:
if k in self.model_keys:
current_patches = self.patches.get(k, [])
current_patches.append((strength_patch, patches[k], strength_model))
self.patches[k] = current_patches
return list(p)
def get_key_patches(self, filter_prefix=None):
model_sd = self.model_state_dict()
p = {}
for k in model_sd:
if filter_prefix is not None:
if not k.startswith(filter_prefix):
if k in self.patches:
p[k] = [model_sd[k]] + self.patches[k]
p[k] = (model_sd[k],)
return p
def model_state_dict(self, filter_prefix=None):
sd = self.model.state_dict()
keys = list(sd.keys())
if filter_prefix is not None:
for k in keys:
if not k.startswith(filter_prefix):
return sd
def patch_model(self, device_to=None):
for k in self.object_patches:
old = getattr(self.model, k)
if k not in self.object_patches_backup:
self.object_patches_backup[k] = old
setattr(self.model, k, self.object_patches[k])
model_sd = self.model_state_dict()
for key in self.patches:
if key not in model_sd:
print("could not patch. key doesn't exist in model:", key)
weight = model_sd[key]
if key not in self.backup:
self.backup[key] = weight.to(self.offload_device)
if device_to is not None:
temp_weight = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(weight, device_to, torch.float32, copy=True)
temp_weight = weight.to(torch.float32, copy=True)
out_weight = self.calculate_weight(self.patches[key], temp_weight, key).to(weight.dtype)
comfy.utils.set_attr(self.model, key, out_weight)
del temp_weight
if device_to is not None:
self.current_device = device_to
return self.model
def calculate_weight(self, patches, weight, key):
for p in patches:
alpha = p[0]
v = p[1]
strength_model = p[2]
if strength_model != 1.0:
weight *= strength_model
if isinstance(v, list):
v = (self.calculate_weight(v[1:], v[0].clone(), key), )
if len(v) == 1:
w1 = v[0]
if alpha != 0.0:
if w1.shape != weight.shape:
print("WARNING SHAPE MISMATCH {} WEIGHT NOT MERGED {} != {}".format(key, w1.shape, weight.shape))
weight += alpha * comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1, weight.device, weight.dtype)
elif len(v) == 4: #lora/locon
mat1 = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(v[0], weight.device, torch.float32)
mat2 = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(v[1], weight.device, torch.float32)
if v[2] is not None:
alpha *= v[2] / mat2.shape[0]
if v[3] is not None:
#locon mid weights, hopefully the math is fine because I didn't properly test it
mat3 = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(v[3], weight.device, torch.float32)
final_shape = [mat2.shape[1], mat2.shape[0], mat3.shape[2], mat3.shape[3]]
mat2 = torch.mm(mat2.transpose(0, 1).flatten(start_dim=1), mat3.transpose(0, 1).flatten(start_dim=1)).reshape(final_shape).transpose(0, 1)
weight += (alpha * torch.mm(mat1.flatten(start_dim=1), mat2.flatten(start_dim=1))).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR", key, e)
elif len(v) == 8: #lokr
w1 = v[0]
w2 = v[1]
w1_a = v[3]
w1_b = v[4]
w2_a = v[5]
w2_b = v[6]
t2 = v[7]
dim = None
if w1 is None:
dim = w1_b.shape[0]
w1 = torch.mm(comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1_a, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1_b, weight.device, torch.float32))
w1 = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1, weight.device, torch.float32)
if w2 is None:
dim = w2_b.shape[0]
if t2 is None:
w2 = torch.mm(comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_a, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_b, weight.device, torch.float32))
w2 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l',
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(t2, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_b, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2_a, weight.device, torch.float32))
w2 = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2, weight.device, torch.float32)
if len(w2.shape) == 4:
w1 = w1.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)
if v[2] is not None and dim is not None:
alpha *= v[2] / dim
weight += alpha * torch.kron(w1, w2).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR", key, e)
else: #loha
w1a = v[0]
w1b = v[1]
if v[2] is not None:
alpha *= v[2] / w1b.shape[0]
w2a = v[3]
w2b = v[4]
if v[5] is not None: #cp decomposition
t1 = v[5]
t2 = v[6]
m1 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l',
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(t1, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1b, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1a, weight.device, torch.float32))
m2 = torch.einsum('i j k l, j r, i p -> p r k l',
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(t2, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2b, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2a, weight.device, torch.float32))
m1 = torch.mm(comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1a, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w1b, weight.device, torch.float32))
m2 = torch.mm(comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2a, weight.device, torch.float32),
comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(w2b, weight.device, torch.float32))
weight += (alpha * m1 * m2).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR", key, e)
return weight
def unpatch_model(self, device_to=None):
keys = list(self.backup.keys())
for k in keys:
comfy.utils.set_attr(self.model, k, self.backup[k])
self.backup = {}
if device_to is not None:
self.current_device = device_to
keys = list(self.object_patches_backup.keys())
for k in keys:
setattr(self.model, k, self.object_patches_backup[k])
self.object_patches_backup = {}