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synced 2025-03-13 14:21:20 +00:00
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292 lines
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import os
import sys
import asyncio
import nodes
import folder_paths
import execution
import uuid
import json
import glob
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
except ImportError:
print("Module 'aiohttp' not installed. Please install it via:")
print("pip install aiohttp")
print("pip install -r requirements.txt")
import mimetypes
async def cache_control(request: web.Request, handler):
response: web.Response = await handler(request)
if request.path.endswith('.js') or request.path.endswith('.css'):
response.headers.setdefault('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
return response
class PromptServer():
def __init__(self, loop):
PromptServer.instance = self
mimetypes.types_map['.js'] = 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8'
self.prompt_queue = None
self.loop = loop
self.messages = asyncio.Queue()
self.number = 0
self.app = web.Application(client_max_size=20971520, middlewares=[cache_control])
self.sockets = dict()
self.web_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.realpath(__file__)), "web")
routes = web.RouteTableDef()
self.last_node_id = None
self.client_id = None
async def websocket_handler(request):
ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
await ws.prepare(request)
sid = request.rel_url.query.get('clientId', '')
if sid:
# Reusing existing session, remove old
self.sockets.pop(sid, None)
sid = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.sockets[sid] = ws
# Send initial state to the new client
await self.send("status", { "status": self.get_queue_info(), 'sid': sid }, sid)
# On reconnect if we are the currently executing client send the current node
if self.client_id == sid and self.last_node_id is not None:
await self.send("executing", { "node": self.last_node_id }, sid)
async for msg in ws:
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
print('ws connection closed with exception %s' % ws.exception())
self.sockets.pop(sid, None)
return ws
async def get_root(request):
return web.FileResponse(os.path.join(self.web_root, "index.html"))
def get_embeddings(self):
embeddings = folder_paths.get_filename_list("embeddings")
return web.json_response(list(map(lambda a: os.path.splitext(a)[0].lower(), embeddings)))
async def get_extensions(request):
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.web_root, 'extensions/**/*.js'), recursive=True)
return web.json_response(list(map(lambda f: "/" + os.path.relpath(f, self.web_root).replace("\\", "/"), files)))
async def upload_image(request):
upload_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "input")
if not os.path.exists(upload_dir):
post = await request.post()
image = post.get("image")
if image and image.file:
filename = image.filename
if not filename:
return web.Response(status=400)
split = os.path.splitext(filename)
i = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(upload_dir, filename)):
filename = f"{split[0]} ({i}){split[1]}"
i += 1
filepath = os.path.join(upload_dir, filename)
with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
return web.json_response({"name" : filename})
return web.Response(status=400)
async def view_image(request):
if "filename" in request.rel_url.query:
type = request.rel_url.query.get("type", "output")
if type not in ["output", "input", "temp"]:
return web.Response(status=400)
output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), type)
if "subfolder" in request.rel_url.query:
full_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, request.rel_url.query["subfolder"])
if os.path.commonpath((os.path.realpath(full_output_dir), output_dir)) != output_dir:
return web.Response(status=403)
output_dir = full_output_dir
filename = request.rel_url.query["filename"]
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file):
return web.FileResponse(file, headers={"Content-Disposition": f"filename=\"{filename}\""})
return web.Response(status=404)
async def get_prompt(request):
return web.json_response(self.get_queue_info())
async def get_object_info(request):
out = {}
for x in nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS:
obj_class = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[x]
info = {}
info['input'] = obj_class.INPUT_TYPES()
info['output'] = obj_class.RETURN_TYPES
info['name'] = x #TODO
info['description'] = ''
info['category'] = 'sd'
if hasattr(obj_class, 'CATEGORY'):
info['category'] = obj_class.CATEGORY
out[x] = info
return web.json_response(out)
async def get_history(request):
return web.json_response(self.prompt_queue.get_history())
async def get_queue(request):
queue_info = {}
current_queue = self.prompt_queue.get_current_queue()
queue_info['queue_running'] = current_queue[0]
queue_info['queue_pending'] = current_queue[1]
return web.json_response(queue_info)
async def post_prompt(request):
print("got prompt")
resp_code = 200
out_string = ""
json_data = await request.json()
if "number" in json_data:
number = float(json_data['number'])
number = self.number
if "front" in json_data:
if json_data['front']:
number = -number
self.number += 1
if "prompt" in json_data:
prompt = json_data["prompt"]
valid = execution.validate_prompt(prompt)
extra_data = {}
if "extra_data" in json_data:
extra_data = json_data["extra_data"]
if "client_id" in json_data:
extra_data["client_id"] = json_data["client_id"]
if valid[0]:
self.prompt_queue.put((number, id(prompt), prompt, extra_data))
resp_code = 400
out_string = valid[1]
print("invalid prompt:", valid[1])
return web.Response(body=out_string, status=resp_code)
async def post_queue(request):
json_data = await request.json()
if "clear" in json_data:
if json_data["clear"]:
if "delete" in json_data:
to_delete = json_data['delete']
for id_to_delete in to_delete:
delete_func = lambda a: a[1] == int(id_to_delete)
return web.Response(status=200)
async def post_interrupt(request):
return web.Response(status=200)
async def post_history(request):
json_data = await request.json()
if "clear" in json_data:
if json_data["clear"]:
if "delete" in json_data:
to_delete = json_data['delete']
for id_to_delete in to_delete:
return web.Response(status=200)
web.static('/', self.web_root),
def get_queue_info(self):
prompt_info = {}
exec_info = {}
exec_info['queue_remaining'] = self.prompt_queue.get_tasks_remaining()
prompt_info['exec_info'] = exec_info
return prompt_info
async def send(self, event, data, sid=None):
message = {"type": event, "data": data}
if isinstance(message, str) == False:
message = json.dumps(message)
if sid is None:
for ws in self.sockets.values():
await ws.send_str(message)
elif sid in self.sockets:
await self.sockets[sid].send_str(message)
def send_sync(self, event, data, sid=None):
self.messages.put_nowait, (event, data, sid))
def queue_updated(self):
self.send_sync("status", { "status": self.get_queue_info() })
async def publish_loop(self):
while True:
msg = await self.messages.get()
await self.send(*msg)
async def start(self, address, port, verbose=True, call_on_start=None):
runner = web.AppRunner(self.app)
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(runner, address, port)
await site.start()
if address == '':
address = ''
if verbose:
print("Starting server\n")
print("To see the GUI go to: http://{}:{}".format(address, port))
if call_on_start is not None:
call_on_start(address, port)