guill 6ab1e6fd4a
[Bug #4529] Fix graph partial validation failure (#4588)
Currently, if a graph partially fails validation (i.e. some outputs are
valid while others have links from missing nodes), the execution loop
could get an exception resulting in server lockup.

This isn't actually possible to reproduce via the default UI, but is a
potential issue for people using the API to construct invalid graphs.
2024-08-24 15:34:58 -04:00

309 lines
11 KiB

import itertools
from typing import Sequence, Mapping
from comfy_execution.graph import DynamicPrompt
import nodes
from comfy_execution.graph_utils import is_link
class CacheKeySet:
def __init__(self, dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache):
self.keys = {}
self.subcache_keys = {}
def add_keys(self, node_ids):
raise NotImplementedError()
def all_node_ids(self):
return set(self.keys.keys())
def get_used_keys(self):
return self.keys.values()
def get_used_subcache_keys(self):
return self.subcache_keys.values()
def get_data_key(self, node_id):
return self.keys.get(node_id, None)
def get_subcache_key(self, node_id):
return self.subcache_keys.get(node_id, None)
class Unhashable:
def __init__(self):
self.value = float("NaN")
def to_hashable(obj):
# So that we don't infinitely recurse since frozenset and tuples
# are Sequences.
if isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool, type(None))):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, Mapping):
return frozenset([(to_hashable(k), to_hashable(v)) for k, v in sorted(obj.items())])
elif isinstance(obj, Sequence):
return frozenset(zip(itertools.count(), [to_hashable(i) for i in obj]))
# TODO - Support other objects like tensors?
return Unhashable()
class CacheKeySetID(CacheKeySet):
def __init__(self, dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache):
super().__init__(dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache)
self.dynprompt = dynprompt
def add_keys(self, node_ids):
for node_id in node_ids:
if node_id in self.keys:
if not self.dynprompt.has_node(node_id):
node = self.dynprompt.get_node(node_id)
self.keys[node_id] = (node_id, node["class_type"])
self.subcache_keys[node_id] = (node_id, node["class_type"])
class CacheKeySetInputSignature(CacheKeySet):
def __init__(self, dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache):
super().__init__(dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache)
self.dynprompt = dynprompt
self.is_changed_cache = is_changed_cache
def include_node_id_in_input(self) -> bool:
return False
def add_keys(self, node_ids):
for node_id in node_ids:
if node_id in self.keys:
if not self.dynprompt.has_node(node_id):
node = self.dynprompt.get_node(node_id)
self.keys[node_id] = self.get_node_signature(self.dynprompt, node_id)
self.subcache_keys[node_id] = (node_id, node["class_type"])
def get_node_signature(self, dynprompt, node_id):
signature = []
ancestors, order_mapping = self.get_ordered_ancestry(dynprompt, node_id)
signature.append(self.get_immediate_node_signature(dynprompt, node_id, order_mapping))
for ancestor_id in ancestors:
signature.append(self.get_immediate_node_signature(dynprompt, ancestor_id, order_mapping))
return to_hashable(signature)
def get_immediate_node_signature(self, dynprompt, node_id, ancestor_order_mapping):
if not dynprompt.has_node(node_id):
# This node doesn't exist -- we can't cache it.
return [float("NaN")]
node = dynprompt.get_node(node_id)
class_type = node["class_type"]
class_def = nodes.NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS[class_type]
signature = [class_type, self.is_changed_cache.get(node_id)]
if self.include_node_id_in_input() or (hasattr(class_def, "NOT_IDEMPOTENT") and class_def.NOT_IDEMPOTENT):
inputs = node["inputs"]
for key in sorted(inputs.keys()):
if is_link(inputs[key]):
(ancestor_id, ancestor_socket) = inputs[key]
ancestor_index = ancestor_order_mapping[ancestor_id]
signature.append((key,("ANCESTOR", ancestor_index, ancestor_socket)))
signature.append((key, inputs[key]))
return signature
# This function returns a list of all ancestors of the given node. The order of the list is
# deterministic based on which specific inputs the ancestor is connected by.
def get_ordered_ancestry(self, dynprompt, node_id):
ancestors = []
order_mapping = {}
self.get_ordered_ancestry_internal(dynprompt, node_id, ancestors, order_mapping)
return ancestors, order_mapping
def get_ordered_ancestry_internal(self, dynprompt, node_id, ancestors, order_mapping):
if not dynprompt.has_node(node_id):
inputs = dynprompt.get_node(node_id)["inputs"]
input_keys = sorted(inputs.keys())
for key in input_keys:
if is_link(inputs[key]):
ancestor_id = inputs[key][0]
if ancestor_id not in order_mapping:
order_mapping[ancestor_id] = len(ancestors) - 1
self.get_ordered_ancestry_internal(dynprompt, ancestor_id, ancestors, order_mapping)
class BasicCache:
def __init__(self, key_class):
self.key_class = key_class
self.initialized = False
self.dynprompt: DynamicPrompt
self.cache_key_set: CacheKeySet
self.cache = {}
self.subcaches = {}
def set_prompt(self, dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache):
self.dynprompt = dynprompt
self.cache_key_set = self.key_class(dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache)
self.is_changed_cache = is_changed_cache
self.initialized = True
def all_node_ids(self):
assert self.initialized
node_ids = self.cache_key_set.all_node_ids()
for subcache in self.subcaches.values():
node_ids = node_ids.union(subcache.all_node_ids())
return node_ids
def _clean_cache(self):
preserve_keys = set(self.cache_key_set.get_used_keys())
to_remove = []
for key in self.cache:
if key not in preserve_keys:
for key in to_remove:
del self.cache[key]
def _clean_subcaches(self):
preserve_subcaches = set(self.cache_key_set.get_used_subcache_keys())
to_remove = []
for key in self.subcaches:
if key not in preserve_subcaches:
for key in to_remove:
del self.subcaches[key]
def clean_unused(self):
assert self.initialized
def _set_immediate(self, node_id, value):
assert self.initialized
cache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_data_key(node_id)
self.cache[cache_key] = value
def _get_immediate(self, node_id):
if not self.initialized:
return None
cache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_data_key(node_id)
if cache_key in self.cache:
return self.cache[cache_key]
return None
def _ensure_subcache(self, node_id, children_ids):
subcache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_subcache_key(node_id)
subcache = self.subcaches.get(subcache_key, None)
if subcache is None:
subcache = BasicCache(self.key_class)
self.subcaches[subcache_key] = subcache
subcache.set_prompt(self.dynprompt, children_ids, self.is_changed_cache)
return subcache
def _get_subcache(self, node_id):
assert self.initialized
subcache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_subcache_key(node_id)
if subcache_key in self.subcaches:
return self.subcaches[subcache_key]
return None
def recursive_debug_dump(self):
result = []
for key in self.cache:
result.append({"key": key, "value": self.cache[key]})
for key in self.subcaches:
result.append({"subcache_key": key, "subcache": self.subcaches[key].recursive_debug_dump()})
return result
class HierarchicalCache(BasicCache):
def __init__(self, key_class):
def _get_cache_for(self, node_id):
assert self.dynprompt is not None
parent_id = self.dynprompt.get_parent_node_id(node_id)
if parent_id is None:
return self
hierarchy = []
while parent_id is not None:
parent_id = self.dynprompt.get_parent_node_id(parent_id)
cache = self
for parent_id in reversed(hierarchy):
cache = cache._get_subcache(parent_id)
if cache is None:
return None
return cache
def get(self, node_id):
cache = self._get_cache_for(node_id)
if cache is None:
return None
return cache._get_immediate(node_id)
def set(self, node_id, value):
cache = self._get_cache_for(node_id)
assert cache is not None
cache._set_immediate(node_id, value)
def ensure_subcache_for(self, node_id, children_ids):
cache = self._get_cache_for(node_id)
assert cache is not None
return cache._ensure_subcache(node_id, children_ids)
class LRUCache(BasicCache):
def __init__(self, key_class, max_size=100):
self.max_size = max_size
self.min_generation = 0
self.generation = 0
self.used_generation = {}
self.children = {}
def set_prompt(self, dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache):
super().set_prompt(dynprompt, node_ids, is_changed_cache)
self.generation += 1
for node_id in node_ids:
def clean_unused(self):
while len(self.cache) > self.max_size and self.min_generation < self.generation:
self.min_generation += 1
to_remove = [key for key in self.cache if self.used_generation[key] < self.min_generation]
for key in to_remove:
del self.cache[key]
del self.used_generation[key]
if key in self.children:
del self.children[key]
def get(self, node_id):
return self._get_immediate(node_id)
def _mark_used(self, node_id):
cache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_data_key(node_id)
if cache_key is not None:
self.used_generation[cache_key] = self.generation
def set(self, node_id, value):
return self._set_immediate(node_id, value)
def ensure_subcache_for(self, node_id, children_ids):
# Just uses subcaches for tracking 'live' nodes
super()._ensure_subcache(node_id, children_ids)
cache_key = self.cache_key_set.get_data_key(node_id)
self.children[cache_key] = []
for child_id in children_ids:
return self