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synced 2025-03-13 22:31:08 +00:00

The models are modified in place before being used and unpatched after. I think this is better than monkeypatching since it might make it easier to use faster non pytorch unet inference in the future.
309 lines
11 KiB
309 lines
11 KiB
import torch
import sd1_clip
import sd2_clip
from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
from ldm.models.autoencoder import AutoencoderKL
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
def load_torch_file(ckpt):
if ckpt.lower().endswith(".safetensors"):
import safetensors.torch
sd = safetensors.torch.load_file(ckpt, device="cpu")
pl_sd = torch.load(ckpt, map_location="cpu")
if "global_step" in pl_sd:
print(f"Global Step: {pl_sd['global_step']}")
if "state_dict" in pl_sd:
sd = pl_sd["state_dict"]
sd = pl_sd
return sd
def load_model_from_config(config, ckpt, verbose=False, load_state_dict_to=[]):
print(f"Loading model from {ckpt}")
sd = load_torch_file(ckpt)
model = instantiate_from_config(config.model)
m, u = model.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
k = list(sd.keys())
for x in k:
# print(x)
if x.startswith("cond_stage_model.transformer.") and not x.startswith("cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model."):
y = x.replace("cond_stage_model.transformer.", "cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.")
sd[y] = sd.pop(x)
if 'cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_ids' in sd:
ids = sd['cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_ids']
if ids.dtype == torch.float32:
sd['cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_ids'] = ids.round()
for x in load_state_dict_to:
x.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
if len(m) > 0 and verbose:
print("missing keys:")
if len(u) > 0 and verbose:
print("unexpected keys:")
return model
"mlp.fc1": "mlp_fc1",
"mlp.fc2": "mlp_fc2",
"self_attn.k_proj": "self_attn_k_proj",
"self_attn.q_proj": "self_attn_q_proj",
"self_attn.v_proj": "self_attn_v_proj",
"self_attn.out_proj": "self_attn_out_proj",
"proj_in": "proj_in",
"proj_out": "proj_out",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_q": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_q",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_k": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_k",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_v": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_v",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn1.to_out.0": "transformer_blocks_0_attn1_to_out_0",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_q": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_q",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_k": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_k",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_v": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_v",
"transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_out.0": "transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_out_0",
"transformer_blocks.0.ff.net.0.proj": "transformer_blocks_0_ff_net_0_proj",
"transformer_blocks.0.ff.net.2": "transformer_blocks_0_ff_net_2",
def load_lora(path, to_load):
lora = load_torch_file(path)
patch_dict = {}
loaded_keys = set()
for x in to_load:
A_name = "{}.lora_up.weight".format(x)
B_name = "{}.lora_down.weight".format(x)
alpha_name = "{}.alpha".format(x)
if A_name in lora.keys():
alpha = None
if alpha_name in lora.keys():
alpha = lora[alpha_name].item()
patch_dict[to_load[x]] = (lora[A_name], lora[B_name], alpha)
for x in lora.keys():
if x not in loaded_keys:
print("lora key not loaded", x)
return patch_dict
def model_lora_keys(model, key_map={}):
sdk = model.state_dict().keys()
counter = 0
for b in range(12):
tk = "model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.{}.1".format(b)
up_counter = 0
for c in LORA_UNET_MAP:
k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c)
if k in sdk:
lora_key = "lora_unet_down_blocks_{}_attentions_{}_{}".format(counter // 2, counter % 2, LORA_UNET_MAP[c])
key_map[lora_key] = k
up_counter += 1
if up_counter >= 4:
counter += 1
for c in LORA_UNET_MAP:
k = "model.diffusion_model.middle_block.1.{}.weight".format(c)
if k in sdk:
lora_key = "lora_unet_mid_block_attentions_0_{}".format(LORA_UNET_MAP[c])
key_map[lora_key] = k
counter = 3
for b in range(12):
tk = "model.diffusion_model.output_blocks.{}.1".format(b)
up_counter = 0
for c in LORA_UNET_MAP:
k = "{}.{}.weight".format(tk, c)
if k in sdk:
lora_key = "lora_unet_up_blocks_{}_attentions_{}_{}".format(counter // 3, counter % 3, LORA_UNET_MAP[c])
key_map[lora_key] = k
up_counter += 1
if up_counter >= 4:
counter += 1
counter = 0
for b in range(12):
for c in LORA_CLIP_MAP:
k = "transformer.text_model.encoder.layers.{}.{}.weight".format(b, c)
if k in sdk:
lora_key = "lora_te_text_model_encoder_layers_{}_{}".format(b, LORA_CLIP_MAP[c])
key_map[lora_key] = k
return key_map
class ModelPatcher:
def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model
self.patches = []
self.backup = {}
def clone(self):
n = ModelPatcher(self.model)
n.patches = self.patches[:]
return n
def add_patches(self, patches, strength=1.0):
p = {}
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
for k in patches:
if k in model_sd:
p[k] = patches[k]
self.patches += [(strength, p)]
return p.keys()
def patch_model(self):
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
for p in self.patches:
for k in p[1]:
v = p[1][k]
if k not in model_sd:
print("could not patch. key doesn't exist in model:", k)
weight = model_sd[k]
if k not in self.backup:
self.backup[k] = weight.clone()
alpha = p[0]
mat1 = v[0]
mat2 = v[1]
if v[2] is not None:
alpha *= v[2] / mat2.shape[0]
weight += (alpha * torch.mm(mat1.flatten(start_dim=1).float(), mat2.flatten(start_dim=1).float())).reshape(weight.shape).type(weight.dtype).to(weight.device)
return self.model
def unpatch_model(self):
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
for k in self.backup:
model_sd[k][:] = self.backup[k]
self.backup = {}
def load_lora_for_models(model, clip, lora_path, strength_model, strength_clip):
key_map = model_lora_keys(model.model)
key_map = model_lora_keys(clip.cond_stage_model, key_map)
loaded = load_lora(lora_path, key_map)
new_modelpatcher = model.clone()
k = new_modelpatcher.add_patches(loaded, strength_model)
new_clip = clip.clone()
k1 = new_clip.add_patches(loaded, strength_clip)
k = set(k)
k1 = set(k1)
for x in loaded:
if (x not in k) and (x not in k1):
print("NOT LOADED", x)
return (new_modelpatcher, new_clip)
class CLIP:
def __init__(self, config={}, embedding_directory=None, no_init=False):
if no_init:
self.target_clip = config["target"]
if "params" in config:
params = config["params"]
params = {}
tokenizer_params = {}
if self.target_clip == "ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenOpenCLIPEmbedder":
clip = sd2_clip.SD2ClipModel
tokenizer = sd2_clip.SD2Tokenizer
elif self.target_clip == "ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedder":
clip = sd1_clip.SD1ClipModel
tokenizer = sd1_clip.SD1Tokenizer
tokenizer_params['embedding_directory'] = embedding_directory
self.cond_stage_model = clip(**(params))
self.tokenizer = tokenizer(**(tokenizer_params))
self.patcher = ModelPatcher(self.cond_stage_model)
def clone(self):
n = CLIP(no_init=True)
n.target_clip = self.target_clip
n.patcher = self.patcher.clone()
n.cond_stage_model = self.cond_stage_model
n.tokenizer = self.tokenizer
return n
def add_patches(self, patches, strength=1.0):
return self.patcher.add_patches(patches, strength)
def encode(self, text):
tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize_with_weights(text)
cond = self.cond_stage_model.encode_token_weights(tokens)
except Exception as e:
raise e
return cond
class VAE:
def __init__(self, ckpt_path=None, scale_factor=0.18215, device="cuda", config=None):
if config is None:
#default SD1.x/SD2.x VAE parameters
ddconfig = {'double_z': True, 'z_channels': 4, 'resolution': 256, 'in_channels': 3, 'out_ch': 3, 'ch': 128, 'ch_mult': [1, 2, 4, 4], 'num_res_blocks': 2, 'attn_resolutions': [], 'dropout': 0.0}
self.first_stage_model = AutoencoderKL(ddconfig, {'target': 'torch.nn.Identity'}, 4, monitor="val/rec_loss", ckpt_path=ckpt_path)
self.first_stage_model = AutoencoderKL(**(config['params']), ckpt_path=ckpt_path)
self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.eval()
self.scale_factor = scale_factor
self.device = device
def decode(self, samples):
self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.to(self.device)
samples = samples.to(self.device)
pixel_samples = self.first_stage_model.decode(1. / self.scale_factor * samples)
pixel_samples = torch.clamp((pixel_samples + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.cpu()
pixel_samples = pixel_samples.cpu().movedim(1,-1)
return pixel_samples
def encode(self, pixel_samples):
self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.to(self.device)
pixel_samples = pixel_samples.movedim(-1,1).to(self.device)
samples = self.first_stage_model.encode(2. * pixel_samples - 1.).sample() * self.scale_factor
self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.cpu()
samples = samples.cpu()
return samples
def load_checkpoint(config_path, ckpt_path, output_vae=True, output_clip=True, embedding_directory=None):
config = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
model_config_params = config['model']['params']
clip_config = model_config_params['cond_stage_config']
scale_factor = model_config_params['scale_factor']
vae_config = model_config_params['first_stage_config']
clip = None
vae = None
class WeightsLoader(torch.nn.Module):
w = WeightsLoader()
load_state_dict_to = []
if output_vae:
vae = VAE(scale_factor=scale_factor, config=vae_config)
w.first_stage_model = vae.first_stage_model
load_state_dict_to = [w]
if output_clip:
clip = CLIP(config=clip_config, embedding_directory=embedding_directory)
w.cond_stage_model = clip.cond_stage_model
load_state_dict_to = [w]
model = load_model_from_config(config, ckpt_path, verbose=False, load_state_dict_to=load_state_dict_to)
return (ModelPatcher(model), clip, vae)