correctly checks end of the text

This commit is contained in:
EllangoK 2023-04-17 23:40:44 -04:00
parent 79ba0399d8
commit a962222992

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@ -79,8 +79,16 @@ name:id,
selectedText = inputField.value.substring(start, end);
} else {
// Select the current word, find the start and end of the word (first space before and after)
start = inputField.value.substring(0, start).lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
end = inputField.value.substring(end).indexOf(" ") + end;
const wordStart = inputField.value.substring(0, start).lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
const wordEnd = inputField.value.substring(end).indexOf(" ");
// If there is no space after the word, select to the end of the string
if (wordEnd === -1) {
end = inputField.value.length;
} else {
end += wordEnd;
start = wordStart;
// Remove all punctuation at the end and beginning of the word
while (inputField.value[start].match(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/)) {